
Masterclass on the Community Fundraising Platform

Masterclass: Community Fundraising Platform!

In order to be more concrete and operational, and to introduce you to the new Community Fundraising Platform, we have prepared this dedicated Masterclass.

During the Masterclass, everyone will have a sandbox (test platform) at their disposal, and will work on both a strategic and operational level to create their own platform and simulate the implementation of a campaign.

Each Masterclass will have 20 places available for a total of 3 hours of workshops, split into 2 different dates.

The Masterclasses Cycles:

  1. First Cycle: Friday, November 10th and 17th, from 9:30am to 11am (CET)
  2. Second Cycle: Thursday, November 16th and 23rd, from 2pm to 3:30pm (CET)

To participate in the Masterclasses you will need to choose one of the proposed slots and attend both sessions of each cycle.

In order to ensure proper interaction and quality, places are limited, and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The other subscribers will be placed on a waiting list (should demand be high, we reserve the right to organise other Masterclasses in the future).

Registrations are now closed
