Digital Fundraising Week 2021
The Fundraising of Today vs. The Fundraising of Tomorrow
September 20th to 24th, 2021
Every day starting at 10am (CET)
The event is free!
iRaiser invites you to our Digital Fundraising Week 2021!
Raising funds is a daily challenge. As a fundraiser, you not only have to answer to today’s needs but you must also adapt to your constantly evolving supporters and anticipate future fundraising trends.
This is vital in order to assure your organisation has the necessary income to fulfil your mission on a short-term and long-term basis.
To help you with these challenges, iRaiser has brought together collaborators from different professional backgrounds from all around the world, to share their expertise & insights.
Throughout the week you will have access to a series of morning sessions to help you prepare and project for the future, and several afternoon webinars full of success cases & practical advice to apply to your fundraising strategy now!
19 interactive sessions covering the future of fundraising, industry trends, marketing, cybersecurity, and technology to help you innovate your fundraising practices and raise more funds for less resources.
Hear from experts from around the world, who will share their knowledge, insights, and practical tools on fundraising, marketing & digital strategy, User Experience & Interface design, cybersecurity & more!
Our virtual sessions, success cases, & product demos will sharpen your skills on digital optimisation and conversion. Empowering you to improve the way you fundraise with tangible lessons & best practices to drive more impact.
More program details and speakers will be announced soon!
Monday, September 20th
Session One, 10:00 – 11:00 am (CET)
Welcome to DFW 2021!
The Fundraising of Today vs. The Fundraising of Tomorrow
Emmanuel Chaumeau – CEO, iRaiser
John Fletcher – Strategic Planner, Adfinitas
Mafe Quintero – Communication Manager, iRaiser
During this introductive session, John Fletcher, Strategic planner at Adfinitas, a European fundraising agency, will give us the latest trends in terms of consumer behaviors that have transformed the commercial sector and that will definitely influence the not-for-profit sector within the next 4 years. Everything you need to be ready to take on the future of fundraising is here!
Session Two, 11:30am – 12:30pm (CET)
How to facilitate donations on both desktop and mobile devices? Discover new features
Saige Jennings – Digital Fundraising Manager, UK for UNHCR
Simon Romain – Chief Design Officer, iRaiser
Standards of digital fundraising are evolving fast, especially in these troubled times. What does it mean for your organization? How can iRaiser’s Payment Application help you raise more money across segments, through different devices and payment methods? Join Saige Jennings, from Digital Fundraising at UNHCR (UK) who will share concrete examples of how this global not-for-profit took advantage of iRaiser’s different features to boost their fundraising efforts. Then hear from Simon Romain, Chief Design Officer at iRaiser, who will share his best tips and brand new features from the next release of the Payment App, such as conditional fields, new layout template, landing pages… and a lot more!
Session Three, 2:30 – 3:30 pm (CET)
iRaiser Italia
Donor love, in pratica
Mauro Picciaiola – Direttore dell’Ufficio Raccolta Fondi, Antoniano Onlus
Francesca Arbitani – Country Manager Italia, iRaiser
Si parla tanto di donatori al centro, ma cosa significa in pratica?
Un approccio al Donor Love pratico, schematico, da portare subito nel lavoro quotidiano grazie a delle idee facili da applicare, un’originale visione per unire diverse aree dell’ufficio fundraising e andare oltre il budget per lavorare su valori (e kpi) importanti e diversi.
Session Four, 4:00 – 5:00 pm (CET)
iRaiser UK & Ireland
Subscription Case Study: Shelter Book Club
Shabnam Makee – Innovation Lead, Shelter UK
Alison Lewis – Senior Product Lead, Shelter UK
Eoghan Beecher – Country Manager UK & Ireland, iRaiser
Netflix, Grazebox, Spotify and even Beer52. The world has embraced subscription products, paying monthly for the products people love. This has presented a unique opportunity for charities not only to diversify regular giving acquisition, but to build deeper relationships with supporters by providing them with products and experiences they can value. Ali Lewis and Shabnam Makee launched Shelter’s first online Book Club, offering supporters the chance to take part in discussions with authors and fellow donors. Here they showcase how they launched a subscription product with the help of iRaiser.
Session Four, 10:00 – 11:00 am (local time AEST)
iRaiser Australia & New Zealand
Digital Fundraising: Where to begin?
Jeremy Bennett – Owner and Chief consultant, Bigfoot Fundraising
Rebecca Thomson – Regional Manager Australia & New Zealand, iRaiser
The digital landscape continues to change rapidly which presents both challenges and opportunities for the NFP sector. While a cost-effective channel for marketing, communications as well as donations/support, running a successful digital strategy that appeals to the modern-day donor can be tricky. Join us an hear from Jeremy Bennett, Owner & Chief Consultant of Bigfoot Fundraising who will share his top tips in preparing a winning strategy to master the digital landscape.
Tuesday, September 21st
Session One, 10:00 – 11:00am (CET)
The Future of Payment Methods
Emmanuel Chaumeau – CEO, iRaiser
Pascal Burg – Director, Edgar, Dunn & Company
Offering the right payment method ensures a conversion boost, but offering too many may have the opposite effect. The world is seeing an explosion in the diversity of payment methods. Which one should your organisation consider?
Join this session to find out how to ensure you have the right payment experience to reach your fundraising goals.
Session Two, 2:30 – 3:30 pm (CET)
iRaiser Nordics
Giving Tuesday: How to get started
Charlotte Arnø Storebakken – Project Manager, Giving Tuesday Norway and Fundraising Norge
Solfrid Bøe – Marketing Manager Private Markets, Sea Rescue Norway
Kim Nielsen – Account Manager Norway, Sweden & Germany – iRaiser
Hear from Fundraising Norge, GivingTuesday Norway and Sea Rescue Norway about how to get started with GivingTuesday. The annual event, this year happening on November 30th 2021, is an amazing opportunity for your organisation to engage donors in fun, creative and impactful campaigns. Whether you’re not sure what GivingTuesday is, how to get started, or just want to hear about great examples including Sea Rescue’s success with the global movement, this session will allow you to walk away with new know-how and best practices to get you started on your GivingTuesday campaign this year.
Session Three, 4:00 – 5:00 pm (CET)
Pays Francophones
Le crowdfunding pour tous !
Gilles Van Doosselaere – Country Manager Benelux, iRaiser
Mehdi Bellouti – Country Manager France, iRaiser
Nina Tchernitchko – Chargée de développement à la Philharmonie de Paris
Zoé Macêdo-Roussier – Responsable mécénat individuel – Philharmonie de Paris
Comme la plupart des fundraisers francophones, vous pensez sûrement que le crowdfunding est plus adapté aux associations de type culturel, pour la restauration d’oeuvres par exemple. A travers de nombreux exemples, nous vous démontrerons qu’au contraire, le crowdfunding est un moyen de collecte qui peut être utilisé par tous et nous vous expliquerons pourquoi (et comment) vous devez absolument vous y mettre!
Session Four, 10:00 – 11:00 am (local time AEST)
iRaiser Australia & New Zealand
Giving Tuesday: how, what, when and where for the APAC region & how ANZ charities can benefit from the Global movement.
Kait Sheridan – Manager of the community of Global Leaders for #GivingTuesday
Cherisse Beh – Regional Director Asia Pacific, The Starling Collective
Rebecca Thomson – Regional Manager Australia & New Zealand, iRaiser
iRaiser, together with the APAC Giving Tuesday team, will provide valuable insights into how organisations and NGO’s can get behind this Global movement. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. It is an independent nonprofit and a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. Over 300 Global leaders from over 75 countries drive the movement raising millions and seeing amazing acts of kindness and generosity. There is no cost to participate, this is truly the power of good coming together globally on one day/month of the year with the pure motivation to help others. As a result charities all over the world benefit. In 2020, on December 1st, over 2.4 billion USD were raised in 24 hours in the US alone!
Wednesday, September 22nd
Session One, 10:00 – 11:00am (CET)
Engage your social media communities with P2P
Simon Romain – Chief Design Officer, iRaiser
Peer-to-peer fundraising is a multi-tiered form of crowdfunding that allows your supporters to appeal to their friends and family on your organisation’s behalf. So rather than just collecting donations from individuals, peer-to-peer enables you to leverage your network’s network in order to expand your reach and increase donations. Spoiler alert: you already have a powerful community to convert: your social media community! So in this session, we’ll see tricks and tips to engage your supporters through peer-to-peer fundraising.
Session Two, 2:30 – 3:30 pm (CET)
iRaiser Italia
Sfrutta al massimo le opportunità delle campagne Pay per Click
Alberto Stornelli – Digital Marketing Manager, AIL Associazione Italiana Leucemie
Michele Messina – Sales & Marketing Manager Italia, iRaiser
Da Facebook fino a Google, costruire campagne di Pay Per Click è possibile, difficile, ma porta a risultati spesso (molto) sopra le aspettative.
Che l’obiettivo sia raccogliere nuovi donatori o cercare di convertire le donazioni one-off in ricorrenti, cambia poco. Quello che conta veramente è rispettare alcune regole per ottimizzare il costo per click e raggiungere il successo!
Session Three, 4:00 – 5:00 pm (CET)
iRaiser UK & Ireland
Where to start with Digital Fundraising?
Eoghan Beecher – Country Manager UK & Ireland, iRaiser
Launching a digital fundraising strategy can be tricky, especially when it has to compliment established fundraising methods. One of the biggest pitfalls charities want to avoid is making the wrong decision based on the wrong data. Here, iRaiser’s Eoghan Beecher details a 5 point plan to create a digital fundraising strategy and deploy it for real world success.
Session Four, 10:00 – 11:00am (local time AEST)
iRaiser Australia & New Zealand
The Future of Payment Methods
(recorded session)
Emmanuel Chaumeau – CEO, iRaiser
Pascal Burg – Director, Edgar, Dunn & Company
Host, Rebecca Thomson – Regional Manager Australia & New Zealand, iRaiser
Offering the right payment method ensures a conversion boost, but offering too many may have the opposite effect. The world is seeing an explosion in the diversity of payment methods. Which one should your organisation consider?
Join this session to find out how to ensure you have the right payment experience to reach your fundraising goals.
Thursday, September 23rd
Session One, 10:00 – 11:00am (CET)
Roundtable talk: Gaming for Good
Sam ‘Obiwanshinoobie’ Stephenson
– Streamer & Influencer Manager, Sandbox Strategies
Rachel Henderson – Streaming and Gaming Fundraising Lead, The Samaritans UK
Nicolò Santin – CEO & Co-Founder, Gamindo
Nicholas Thurgood – Project Manager, Grow4Good
Eva Flaugnatti – Partnerships Manager, Amnesty International France
In this Roundtable Talk, fundraisers who have successfully included gaming in their fundraising strategy, together with professionals of the gaming industry, will share their experiences, best practices, and tools to show the power of gaming as a fundraising channel and determine why this is an opportunity your organisation should consider.
Session Two, 11:30am – 12:30pm (CET)
iRaiser Nordics
How to implement P2P in your fundraising mix
Stine Årstad Jacobsen – Head of Communication, Hei Verden
Julie Roberts – Director, More Strategic UK
Loui Ohlendorff- Account Manager Nordics, iRaiser
Peer-to-peer fundraising is a great way for any organization to generate more revenue and connect with supporters. But before you dive headfirst into P2P fundraising, it is a good idea to take a step back and analyze how it can fit into your existing fundraising strategies. Julie Roberts from More Strategic will provide you with valuable insights on how to turn your P2P fundraising into a gold mine through core fundraising practices. This presentation will be followed by Stine Årstad Jacobsen from the Norwegian charity Hei Verden. Stine and her small team have made P2P fundraising their primary source of revenue through countless successful campaigns. In this session, you will get practical knowledge and great examples on how to build a successful P2P strategy and run engaging campaigns.
Session Three, 2:30 – 3:30 pm (CET)
Pays Francophones
Intégrer la vidéo au cœur du parcours de don : Les bonnes pratiques pour concevoir des messages vidéos impactants
Murielle Cuvillier – Creative Director, Adfinitas
Mehdi Bellouti – Country Manager France, iRaiser
Nous le savons tous, un email contenant une vidéo est beaucoup plus lu qu’un email sans. Dans cet atelier pratique, Muriel, directrice de création à l’agence adfinitas, partagera avec vous des études de cas et vous donnera tous les ingrédients d’une vidéo réussie pour communiquer vos messages et porter votre combats avec impact. Elle vous dira comment intégrer la vidéo dans une campagne digitale pour engager vos cibles et booster les résultats de collecte.
Session Four, 4:00 – 5:00 pm (CET)
iRaiser Italia
Fundraising al quadrato. La forza delle relazioni nell’integrazione tra online e offline.
Massimo Coen Cagli – Fondatore e Direttore Scientifico, Scuola di Fundraising di Roma
Michele Messina – Sales & Marketing Manager Italia, iRaiser
Perché opporre digitale e analogico, spesso pensando che uno sia migliore dell’altro? Al centro vi è sempre la relazione ! La cosa migliore è integrare i due approcci per sviluppare al meglio le loro potenzialità e migliorare la performance delle azioni di fundraising e l’upgrading dei contatti/donatori. Analizzeremo un caso per capire come agiscono nei comportamenti donativi le relazioni virtuali e reali anche al fine di individuare i target migliori.
Session Five, 10:00 – 11:00am (local time AEST)
iRaiser Australia & New Zealand
Engage your social media communities with P2P
(recorded session)
Simon Romain – Chief Design Officer, iRaiser
Host, Rebecca Thomson – Regional Manager Australia & New Zealand, iRaiser
Peer-to-peer fundraising is a multi-tiered form of crowdfunding that allows your supporters to appeal to their friends and family on your organisation’s behalf. So rather than just collecting donations from individuals, peer-to-peer enables you to leverage your network’s network in order to expand your reach and increase donations. Spoiler alert: you already have a powerful community to convert: your social media community! So in this session, we’ll see tricks and tips to engage your supporters through peer-to-peer fundraising.
Friday, September 24th
Last Session, 10:00 – 11:00am (CET)
Artificial Intelligence & Vocal Interaction in Fundraising, Time to Get Started!
Tony Bourdier – Chief Technology Officer, iRaiser
Beyond fantasies, we are going to explain to you what artificial intelligence really is. We will analyze a possible trajectory for fundraising with AI, and above all, we will help you prepare yourself to create new opportunities for your not for profit with this technology.
Registrations are closed!